Kategori: Web Development

  • WordPress Themes vs Plugins and the single responsibility principle

    Have you every thought about what should go into a WordPress theme and what should go into a WordPress plugin? This is a question that I for sometime have been thinking reading about. The WordPress codex has the following definitions: ”Fundamentally, the WordPress Theme system is a way to ”skin” your weblog. Yet, it is more than just a…

  • How to build a WordPress query for the Loop

    Have you ever need to generate a wordpress query to be used in the loop but you have not been really sure how to do it? Try using the WordPress query generator it might help you get going!

  • How to install PEAR on Mac OS X

    Needing to use PEAR I stumbled upon a simple tutorial to install PEAR on Mac OS X by Jason McCreary. Simply follow the three steps and you’ll be up and running! Download PEAR Configure and Install PEAR Verify PEAR Download Run the following bash commands curl -O http://pear.php.net/go-pear.phar sudo php -d detect_unicode=0 go-pear.phar Configure and Install…

  • Creating a single file WordPress plugin in 2 steps

    To create a single file plugin in WordPress is really simple. Following the steps below should leave you with a single file plugin that is ready to be filled with valuable functionality. Create a new PHP file with a name derived from your chosen Plugin name and store it in the wp-content/plugins directory, e.g. ”wp-content/plugins/FooBar.php”.…