Respecting meeting appointments
Have you ever been waiting for one or two persons to show up so that a meeting can start? Or even worse, maybe there are several persons waiting? As indicated by the Dilbert comic strip below, one could consider this as a sign of disrespect. I would argue that this is definitely the case when…
The Three P’s of Time Management
I read an interesting article on the Elance blog by Kirstin O´Donovan called ”The Three P’s of Time Management”. It points out the three P’s of time management that you can apply to get more done and feel more productive. Planning Prioritizing Performing I agree with her conclusion that planning, prioritizing and performing are the keys…
The pig and chicken video
I found the following video on the implementing scrum site while looking for some good definitions of the pig and chicken roles. Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0lhuofMYVA&feature=player_embedded
The solid principles as one liners
SOLID is an acronym which stands for Single responsibility principle – every software entity (object, module etc) should have only a single responsibility and one reason to change. Open/closed principle – every software entity should be open for extension, but closed for modification. Liskov substitution principle – closely related to design by contract and it…
Which features to add or bugs to fix?
In 1906, the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto created a mathematical formula to describe the unequal distribution of wealth in Italy. He observed that 20% of the people owned 80% of the wealth. This is what has come to be know as the Pareto Principle (a.k.a 80/20 rule or the law of the vital few). The…
The hierarchy of Company Statements
Every company should, at least, have thought about why they exist, where they want to go and their goals. Preferably they should have written it down in a number of statements. But what statements should a company have? Here is an hierarchy of company statements that each company should consider to define and communicate Vision…
The key elements of management
Have you ever wondered what management does? Or maybe what management should do? As with many other areas in life, management is something that is subjectively defined. According to Fayol, also known as the father of the modern operational management theory, there are 5 main elements, or sometimes referred to as functions, that a manager…
How to manage your source code with Git, Gerrit and Jenkins
Are you managing a piece of code? Are there several contributors to that code? Maybe some are less know to you which provides questionable quality? How do you control of the incoming changes to the code? If you are in an code environment which uses Git as a version control system then using Gerrit can…
6 ways to reduce disk usage on Window 7
Are you lacking valuable disk space? Don’t want to, or maybe you cannot, buy more? There are some magic tricks that you can pull out of your magic memory hat to reduce the disk usage. Here are some of these tricks that you can do… Uninstalling applications Reducing the size of the winsxs folder Reducing…